Gold Prospecting

Neodymium Magnets in Toronto

As the first step of our analysis of the items brought to us at Toronto Gold, we use a rare earth magnet. Often, our customers ask us how the magnet works and why it doesn’t pick up gold or silver. Neodymium magnets are very strong magnets and they were developed in the 1970s and 1980s. [...]

Dejunk & Earn Money Finding Scrap Gold

Image courtesy of If you haven't already done your spring cleaning, it's not too late. Technically, summer doesn't begin until June 21 so there's plenty of time to de-junk and tidy things up. One of the best parts about clean up and clear out is the possibility of finding scrap gold in [...]

Gold Prospecting In The Streets Of NYC

Image courtesy: People are finding gold all the time in Alaska and Africa and other places throughout the world, but would it surprise you to know that you can find gold right in the streets of your own city? It could be paved with gold! Raffi Stepanian has been making his living [...]